
DateTopics/ActivitiesReadings and Deadlines
T Jan 25Introduction to the CourseTo-Do: before the first day of class
Th Jan 27Growth Mindset, Fundamentals of AnalysisRead: The Secret to Raising Smart Kids (posted on OneDrive), and complete 1 annotation.
Additionally read: CLRS: 2.1 – 2.3
T Feb 1Asymptotic Notation and proofs of classesCLRS: 3.1 – 3.2
Th Feb 3Algorithm Design Strategies: Divide & Conquer
T Feb 8Mock InterviewsPreparing for mock interviews
Th Feb 10The substitution method for solving recurrencesCLRS: 4.3 - 4.4
Due: Problem Set 1
T Feb 15Theorem 4.1 for solving recurrencesCLRS: 4.5
Th Feb 17Comparison based sortsCLRS: 8.1
Quiz in class over LO 1-3
T Feb 22Advanced Sorting Ideas: Radix Sort, Counting Sort Bucket SortCLRS: 8.2 - 8.4
Th Feb 24Advanced Data Structures: Balanced TreesCLRS: 13.1-13.4
Due: Problem Set 2
T Mar 1No Class: Working Differently Day
Th Mar 3Book Club: Check-In5 annotations for the first part of your book is due.
Quiz in class over LO 4-6 + makeups
T Mar 8Balanced Trees, Continued
Th Mar 10Algorithm Design Strategies: Dynamic Programming CLRS 15.1, 15.3-15.5
Due: Problem Set 3
T Mar 15Mock Interviews
Th Mar 17Algorithm Design Strategies: GreedyCLRS: 16.1-16.3
Quiz in class over LO 7-8 + makeups
3/22 - 3/31No Class: Spring Break
T April 5Advanced Data Structures: Disjoint SetsCLRS: 21.1-21.3
Th April 7Implementing Disjoint SetsDue: Problem Set 4
T April 12Mock Interviews
Th April 14Book: Check-In5 annotations for the second part of your book is due.
Quiz in class over LO 9-10 + makeups
T April 19Review: Graph Algorithms
Th April 21Advanced Sorting Ideas: Topological SortCLRS: 22.4
Due: Problem Set 5
T April 26Algorithm Design Strategies: Network Flow
Advanced Sorting Ideas: Topological Sort
CLRS: 26.1-26.3
CLRS: 22.4
Th April 28Advanced Data Structures: Tries
Algorithm Design Strategies: Network Flow
Due: Problem Set 6
CLRS: 26.1-26.3
T May 3Reading a Computer Science Research paper,
String Matching

Advanced Data Structures: Tries
Th May 5Online Construction of Suffix Trees
Advanced Data Structures: Tries
3 annotations for the research paper are due.
Quiz in class over LO 11 + makeups
Due: Problem Set 6
T May 9String Matching, continued
Online Construction of Suffix Trees
3 annotations for the research paper are due.
Th May 11Final book club check in
Course Wrap-Up
Course Evaluations
5 annotations for the final part of your book is due.
Due: Problem Set 7
May 16Exam WeekQuiz Make-ups (optional)
Due: Book Club Report
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